Herzlich willkommen

Herzlich willkommen auf der Unimog-Community-Website. Seit 1999 treffen sich hier die Mercedes-Benz Unimog- und MBtrac-Enthusiasten zum Meinungsaustausch und Fachsimpeln.

Verkaufsanzeigen rund um den Unimog

Moderator: stephan

I am selling my 1962 Unimog 411.117

The Unimog is 95% restored
It has been completely dismantled and the frame was zinc coated before epoxy primer and ship industry top coat

The westfalia cab has been fully restored.

It has a 1973 Mercedes OM615 engine instead of the orignal OM636 and will put out 60hp

It is located in the middle of Jutland in Denmark

Price: 8000 euro

Pictures of the process can be found at this site:

Can be contacted on this site or at:
kasper-affenschwanz -bavnshoj-punkt-dk


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